All sets are best of 5. Players are locked into playing the characters they have won a previous Title Match event with. Using a different character results in a 1 game forfeit to the opponent. The complete list of entrants and their allowed character(s) is below:
elkiies: Maypul, Kragg, Olympia
Kobra: Wrastor (dq)
kusi: Zetterburn (dq)
NBad: Ori, Clairen
Kyb: Pomme, Shovel Knight
Mr. Mutton: Forsburn
darai: Ranno (standing in for Squanto, dq)
Brunch: Sylvanos
Akashi: Absa
Ripplay: Etalus
Alkali: Orcane
Plushy Panic: Mollo, Elliana (donated by Sparx), Hodan (stolen from kusi)