This is a beginner-friendly tournament for those new or newish to UNICLR.
Entry is free and open to anyone interested with a good wired connection to the US East Coast. You must message me in Discord to set up a connection test so we can play some sets and vet your connection. If you have not had your connection vetted by the time check-in starts you'll be disqualified. It's not fun for either party to play in 5 frames of delay.
Please make sure your Challonge and Discord names match. While they don't have to be the exact same it should be easy to ping you for matches during the tournament.
you're an intermediate/advanced player thinking of joining we have a
bi-weekly tournament that's open for you to join. Feel free to hop in
Discord and ask for the link.
Prize pool starts at $20 and is paid out through Matcherino.