
Day9 Discord Guild Tourney

  • Players
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Magic: The Gathering
  • Start
    February 10, 2019 ที่ 6:00 PM GMT
Organized by

The Guild Wars are here, make a deck with your guild of choice, you are limited to the 2 colors of the chosen guild so chose wisely, you are allowed to have a mono colored deck but that takes the fun out of it so try and find something a bit more interesting.

This will be played on MTGA

Time will be decided once we got 8+ players, then you will have time to tap out, we will try to give people some time to plan ahead and also possibly get more players in.

IMPORTANT: Please set your name in this tournament to your discord ID so your opponents can find you, you can do this if you go into "Your Settings".

Decklists will be shown here:

Please send the decklists you will be using as a DM to BadWolf#8885 before the 9th of February otherwise you will be disqualified out of the tournament, if you see someone cheating by adding a card to their deck or they accidentally put a card in that is not in their deck list take a screenshot and send it over to me, this will result in a game loss so be careful that you sideboard correctly.

Also remember to take a screenshot of the end result so we can resolve issues where 2 people don't report the same result, these rules are here so the tournament goes smoothly.

If you want to stream do let me know and I will put a link to your stream in the description of the tourney (you will want it on a delay to prevent cheating)


Schnee#6220 -

Thembi#2474 -


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