

  • Member since November 2020

Name Game Role Type Participants Created On Progress
MBTL OCE Christmas Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 7 12-21-24
MBTL FILLINGS #11 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 3 12-07-24
Fillings #8 OCE MBTL Tourney Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 8 08-02-24
OCE MBTL sunday something #2 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 4 07-20-24
The King Of Oceania #24: KOFXV OCE Online Weekly The King of Fighters XV Participant DE 14 07-18-24
The King Of Oceania #22: KOFXV OCE Online Weekly The King of Fighters XV Participant DE 12 06-20-24
OCE MBTL sunday something Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 4 06-13-24
The King Of Oceania #18: KOFXV OCE Online Weekly The King of Fighters XV Participant DE 13 05-01-24
Fillings #4 OCE MBTL Tourney Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 9 01-17-24
The King Of Oceania #8: KOFXV OCE Online Weekly The King of Fighters XV Participant DE 16 01-09-24
The King Of Oceania #4: KOFXV OCE Online Weekly The King of Fighters XV Participant DE 19 10-18-23
mbtl52 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 9 09-10-23
mbtl Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 7 09-03-23
melty type five oh Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 7 08-27-23
oce mbtl 49 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 7 08-20-23
OCE MBTL 48 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 11 08-13-23
OCE MBTL NETPLAY 46 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 8 07-22-23
Fillings #2 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 8 07-09-23
Melty Blood Type Lumina Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 9 06-24-23
OCE MBTL 43 Melty Blood: Type Lumina Participant DE 12 05-27-23