5.1. Game Settings
Stocks: 3
Time limit: 8 minutes
Handicap: Off
Friendly Fire: On
Damage Ratio: 100%
Items: Off and None
Pause: Off
5.2. Stage List
Starter Stages
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi’s Island (Brawl)
Counterpick Stages
Pokémon Stadium (Melee)
5.3. Additional Rules
5.3.1. Stage Striking
Players play a bestof1 RockPaperScissors, and winner may choose to either strike a stage first or select a port first. Stages are struck in a 1221 order.
5.3.2. Stage Bans
After each game of the set, before counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban one stage from either the starter or counterpick list.
5.3.3. Stage Clause
A player/team may not pick any stage they previously won on during the set.
5.3.4. SelfDestruct Moves
If a match ends with a selfdestruct move, the results screen will determine the winner. If a sudden death occurs, standard sudden death rules apply.
5.3.5. Rules Concerning Meta Knight
Meta Knight’s infinite dimensional cape tactic is banned.
5.3.6. Ledge Grab Limit (LGL)
The LGL is 30. If a game goes to time and one player goes over the LGL, they will automatically lose the game. If both players exceed their Ledge Grab Limit, then this rule is ignored.
In the event of a 1stock tiebreaker match occurring, a LGL of 15 is used. In teams, if a single player on a team exceeds their LGL, that team loses. If one or more players on both teams exceed their LGL, then the LGL rule is ignored. In the event of a game going to time and the LGL can not determine a winner and both teams have an equal amount of combined stocks, then whichever team has a lower combined percent is declared the winner.
5.3.7. Controllers
The only legal controller is the wired Gamecube controller. Wireless controllers are not permitted. If you are found using a wireless controller you will be disqualified from the tournament.
5.3.8. Scrooging
Players may not travel under the stage from the ledge more than once. “Traveling under the stage from the ledge” is defined as dropping off the ledge on one side of the stage and reaching the height of the original ledge on the other side of the stage. When one of the players is attacked by the other and takes damage, the “no scrooging” rule does not apply. If a player is found to be performing the act of scrooging by a tournament organizer (by his/her discretion), the player will forfeit that match. The moving platform on Smashville or any platform that is not the main stage (Battlefield platforms, Castle Siege platforms, etc.) are considered to be equivalent to a ledge, i.e. if a player starts from the moving platform on one side of the stage and travels beneath the stage to the ledge/platform on the opposite side of the stage, the player may not travel beneath the stage back to the ledge/moving platform on the opposite side before until he lands back on the platform.