
  • Teams
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Start
    February 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM CET
  • Check-in
Organized by

Tournament completed!

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Dash Dancers Donline Dubs 4

And the show continues! So far we've had double Foxes, double Falcos, double floaties, and somehow the reigning back-to-back champions are Falcon/Sheik. What even.

Disclaimer: For once, no changes to the ruleset. Please read it anyways as a refresher. I know you won't, but it is there anyways.

Participants who fail to show up in our discord server until the tourney begins will be DQ'ed, so please make sure you join on time! Invite is You can find your opponents in the #melee-bracket chat. Make sure your nickname in the server resembles your tag on the bracket, helps out both us and you! If you are signing up using a teamname, please add the tag of both players as well so everyone knows who you are.

We will be using the  Doubles Rollback build by Enzyme. Make sure to download the newest version (v8 as of writing this) and read the instructions in the readme.txt provided to ensure you have everything set up properly. Teams can agree to use an older build if they desire to do so, but in the event that there's no agreement the most recent build will be enforced.

Other than this, the ruleset will match our standard offline event for most things. Rock Paper Scissors will be replaced by the .coin command so you guys dont have to do weird math with a four-player Game & Watch Judgement Bo1. Just make sure you annouce heads or tails before you flip the coin this time.

Other ruleset changes:

  • "You can't simply pause in Mordor" Clause: Accidentally pausing when trying to take a stock (or otherwise) results in an instant SD by the offending player as soon as possible, no questions asked. Failure to do so will result in the current match being counted as a loss. If the player who paused has no stocks left (such as after a Star KO on their last stock), they are instead required to take one stock from their teammate and then SD. If their teammate only has one stock left, the current match is forfeited. The opposing team is required to either quit out of the game entirely or pause themselves until the situation is resolved, as it may be difficult to reach a TO in time otherwise. Failure to pause within 5 seconds forfeits this right.

  • Using any modified ISO aside from Diet Melee is not allowed and may result in a DQ if you cannot or refuse to play on an unmodified ISO. This includes the Akaneia build and those that are merely cosmetical. Have a vanilla ISO on backup in any case.
  • Frozen Stadium is now a Starter stage in place of Fountain of Dreams, which is not a legal stage for teams.
  • Character picks for Game 1 will be chosen double-blind, meaning that neither team knows the opponent's choice here. This is mostly here to avoid counterpicking wars on the CSS (Yes, this has happened before), so if you want to tell each other as usual, go right ahead.
  • Colourblind Clause: To avoid issues with visibility, players can request a colour change between matches or in a match before a player has been hit without penalty. This will usually result in one team picking the blue colour scheme, but you can swap as and if neccessary.
  • Stalling: The act of stalling, or intentionally making the game unplayable, is banned and decided at the discretion of a TO. Stalling tactics include but are not limited to becoming invisible, (tinfinites, chain grabs, or uninterruptible moves past 300%; or abusing a position in which your opponent can never reach you. Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e. freeze glitches, disappearing characters, game reset, Luigi Ladder, team infinites past 300%, etc.) will result in forfeiture of that match for the offending team. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering these effects. If you feel like your opponent(s) is/are stalling, grab the replay and contact a TO. They will review the replay and decide on a case by case-basis.
  • Stage striking will be handled as usual. As mentioned above, RPS will be replaced by a quick flip of the .coin in our discord server. After Game 1, the winning team may ban one stage for the remainder of the set in a Best of 3. There are no bans in a Bo5.
  • Tauntmaster Addendum: In the scenario that the stage teams agreed on during stage striking happens to be randomly selected after connecting, teams are still free to perform a button check/handwarmer.
  •  Starting the next match automatically forfeits the right to ask a TO to review their previous match for stalling and/or other issues.
  • Severe lag will be handled by a TO with a speedtest. If one team's connection is deemed subpar, they will be DQ'ed regardless of the current score. If both parties have a subpar connection, the higher seed advances before both teams are eliminated. If the source of lag cannot be determined by the speedtest, a TO will connect with all players individually and make his choice based on that. While an ethernet cable is not required, players without one will be given the short stick over those who do have one when in doubt. Leave your toasters and bamboo network cables for someplace else please (although bamboo technology is admittedly sick, research shows it still is unviable for just about anything).

  • Don't be a douche. We're all here to have fun, there's no prize to be won, so sit back, enjoy yourself and play some Melee. No need to stir drama.
  • For any and all decisions, the TOs have the final decision. This includes rules that are not covered by this ruleset, and instances where the rules are not explicitly broken but bent to an extent not intended by the spirit of said rule.

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